Hurricane Tammy

Published on 21/10/2023
Notice #7 - 2023
Considering the RED alert as of Saturday noon, the Marina will be closed to the public until the alert is lifted.
The Marina will be closed to the public starting from SATURDAY, October 21, 2023, at noon, in accordance with the collective measures imposed during the issuance of a level RED hurricane warning for St. Martin and St. Barths due to Hurricane Cat 1 TAMMY currently in progress.

Port users are to adhere to the following strict measures during a RED alert :
• Access to the marina is strictly prohibited to all members of the public, without exceptions, including owners, crews, and vessel caretakers moored at the marina.
• It is strictly forbidden to stay on board vessels or within the marina.
• Seek shelter in residences or a public refuge. The list of pre-landfall hurricane shelters is available at the Marina office.
• All sea outings and vessel movements, of any kind, are strictly prohibited within the public maritime domain of Saint-Martin and within the port area.
• Port personnel and marina subcontractors are taking shelter until the alert is lifted.
• Commercial passenger transport companies operating from the marina must also comply with these measures.

Special measures & guidelines
WARNING: Water and electricity supply on-site will be interrupted until conditions are deemed safe to restore access. Vessels shall disconnect from their electrical supply during this period. For your safety, consider all electrical circuits and devices to be LIVE at all times. Do not touch or attempt to tamper with electrical lines or equipment of any kind after a weather event.

After the hurricane, port users must adhere to the instructions of the Port authority. In the hours or days following the lifting of the alert, a comprehensive assessment of the water area and any damage to port facilities, equipment, and networks (electricity/water) must be conducted prior to resuming services to the public and welcoming vessels.

Thank you for your understanding.

For more information, please see the attached documents.